Where I come from nobody knows and where I am going everything goes. The wind blows, the sea flows, nobody knows. And where I am going, nobody knows.
woensdag 27 oktober 2010
dinsdag 26 oktober 2010
Schilderij van leerling Gabriël Metsu ontdekt
HILVERSUM - Tijdens de opnames van het AVRO-televisieprogramma Tussen Kunst en Kitsch is een schilderij ontdekt van de Rotterdamse kunstenaar Joost van Geel (1631-1698), een leerling van de zeventiende-eeuwse meester Gabriël Metsu. De vondst is de duurste ooit in het 26-jarig bestaan van het programma, liet de omroep dinsdag weten.
Het vermoeden bestond dat het schilderij van 31 bij 26 centimeter van de hand was van Metsu zelf. John Hoogsteder, deskundige op het gebied van oude meesters, concludeerde na uitvoerig onderzoek dat het werk van Joost van Geel moet zijn.
De AVRO wil de waarde van het werk pas bekendmaken via de uitzending op 9 februari. De waarde ligt boven de 100.000 euro, aldus een woordvoerster van de omroep. (ANP)
26/10/10 12u20 link
HILVERSUM - Tijdens de opnames van het AVRO-televisieprogramma Tussen Kunst en Kitsch is een schilderij ontdekt van de Rotterdamse kunstenaar Joost van Geel (1631-1698), een leerling van de zeventiende-eeuwse meester Gabriël Metsu. De vondst is de duurste ooit in het 26-jarig bestaan van het programma, liet de omroep dinsdag weten.
Het vermoeden bestond dat het schilderij van 31 bij 26 centimeter van de hand was van Metsu zelf. John Hoogsteder, deskundige op het gebied van oude meesters, concludeerde na uitvoerig onderzoek dat het werk van Joost van Geel moet zijn.
De AVRO wil de waarde van het werk pas bekendmaken via de uitzending op 9 februari. De waarde ligt boven de 100.000 euro, aldus een woordvoerster van de omroep. (ANP)
26/10/10 12u20 link
Paul de octopus is dood
OBERHAUSEN - Medewerkers van het Sea Life Center in het Duitse Oberhausen zijn in diepe rouw. Vannacht is het beroemdste dierenorakel ter wereld, octopus Paul, gestorven in zijn aquarium.
Het zeedier werd wereldberoemd tijdens het WK voetbal in Zuid-Afrika omdat het alle wedstrijden van de Duitse nationale ploeg juist voorspeld had.
Toen het dier in de halve finale Spanje-Duitsland voor het Spaanse elftal koos, moesten er zelfs lijfwachten ingezet worden om het aquarium tegen acties van boze supporters te beschermen.
Zijn dood is echter geen verrassing, een octopus wordt gemiddeld maar drie jaar oud. (EBO)
26/10/10 12u26 link
OBERHAUSEN - Medewerkers van het Sea Life Center in het Duitse Oberhausen zijn in diepe rouw. Vannacht is het beroemdste dierenorakel ter wereld, octopus Paul, gestorven in zijn aquarium.
Het zeedier werd wereldberoemd tijdens het WK voetbal in Zuid-Afrika omdat het alle wedstrijden van de Duitse nationale ploeg juist voorspeld had.
Toen het dier in de halve finale Spanje-Duitsland voor het Spaanse elftal koos, moesten er zelfs lijfwachten ingezet worden om het aquarium tegen acties van boze supporters te beschermen.
Zijn dood is echter geen verrassing, een octopus wordt gemiddeld maar drie jaar oud. (EBO)
26/10/10 12u26 link
zaterdag 23 oktober 2010
donderdag 21 oktober 2010
kudoos MMC
"Not so specifically, but yeah. And I see it more with black women, who get dressed up and they're wearin' everything to fit snug, and they're walking the walk. And you're like, Man, look at you go! Where did you get that? She might be a larger package, but boy, she sure understands how she's wrapped."
Actor Matthew McConaughey to Elle magazine, when asked who might not be worthy of a magazine cover, but whom he still finds attractive.
Hailey Glassman and Jon Gosselin are no longer an item, but Glassman still has much to say about her ex. In an interview with Steppin' Out magazine, Glassman discussed various aspects of Gosselin's shortcomings. "He was so small I didn't think he would cheat on me," she said.
wise words TAFKAP...
Prince was also listed in Time magazine's 2010 annual ranking
of the "100 Most Influential People in the World"
woensdag 20 oktober 2010
eww cohool...
Jell-O "Blood" Worms
These edible worms are a BIG hit for our Halloween Dinner. The first time I served these up the kids really freaked out. My daughter couldn't even look at them at first, but after some coaxing and a little good natured teasing, she ate one. Then much too her surprise, she liked them.
They take a little effort to make, but I think they are worth it. Plan to make these at least a day ahead of time.
100 flexible plastic straws
(The straws with a bendable neck make the most realistic worms by adding ridges to the worm. Place bendable necks of straws at the bottom of the container).
an empty, cleaned 1-quart milk or orange juice carton to hold straws.
(The straws will fill up to the height of the container, the taller the better.)
1 package (6 ounces) raspberry or grape flavor gelatin
3 envelopes unflavored gelatin
3 cups boiling water
3/4 cup whipping cream
12 to 15 drops green food coloring
waxed paper
Instructions: Combine gelatins in a bowl and add boiling water; stir until gelatins completely dissolve. Chill until lukewarm, about 20 min.
Meanwhile, gently pull straws to extend to full length; place in tall container. Wrap together with a loose rubber band to hold straws together.
Blend cream and food coloring with the lukewarm gelatin mixture. Carefully pour into container, filling straws.
Chill until gelatin is firm, at least 8 hours, or cover and chill up to 2 days.
Pull straws from container or, if you're using a carton, simply tear the carton away from the filled straws. Pull straws apart. Run hot tap water for about 2 seconds over 3 to 4 straws at a time. Starting at the empty ends, push worms from straws with rolling pin, or use your fingers.
Lay worms on waxed paper-lined baking sheets. Cover and chill until ready to use, at least 1 hour or up to 2 days. Worms will hold at room temperature for about 2 hours.
maandag 18 oktober 2010
ma 18 okt 2010, 08:27
Gen dat depressie veroorzaakt ontdekt
NEW HAVEN - Wetenschappers hebben een gen ontdekt dat een belangrijke rol lijkt te spelen bij het ontstaan van een depressie. De ontdekking kan de zoektocht naar een medicijn helpen, meldde de universiteit Yale in de Verenigde Staten zondag.Het gen heet MKP-1 en is ontdekt door de genen van 21 depressieve mensen te vergelijken met de genen van achttien gezonde mensen. Het gen MKP-1 dient als de aan- en uitknop van een serie chemicaliën die cruciaal zijn voor het goed functioneren van de hersenzenuwcellen.
De onderzoekers schakelden het gen MKP-1 uit in muizen. De proefdieren bleken niet vatbaar voor stress, terwijl muizen met het gen symptomen van depressie vertoonden.
Wat de precieze oorzaak van een depressie is, is nog altijd niet duidelijk. Wetenschappers geloven dat er meerdere oorzaken zijn, waaronder genetische. De symptomen van een depressie verschillen sterk per patiënt en 40 procent van de patiënten is niet geholpen met de nu bestaande medicijnen.
ma 18 okt 2010, 07:52
De Haarlemmer en de cateraar zaten in het Topsportcentrum samen in de lift, toen die vastliep. Pas na vijftig minuten konden ze worden bevrijd.
Van der Geest hield zich in en at tijdens zijn opsluiting maar één frikandel op, meldt het AD.
Van der Geest opgesloten met 30 frikandellen
ROTTERDAM - Cor van der Geest, technisch directeur van de judobond, heeft tijdens de Grand Prix in Rotterdam bijna een uur vastgezeten in een lift. Hij zat er samen met een medewerker van de catering die dertig warme frikandellen bij zich had.
Van der Geest hield zich in en at tijdens zijn opsluiting maar één frikandel op, meldt het AD.
zaterdag 16 oktober 2010
vrijdag 15 oktober 2010
ahh gossie, en die foto ook... kzou t er spontaan verliefd van kunnen raken...
15 October 2010 Last updated at 07:15 GMT
Bachelor giraffe in Bristol finally gets a girlfriend
Genevieve's previous owners needed to find a larger home for the young giraffe A lonely giraffe in Bristol has finally found love after a worldwide search for a girlfriend which lasted four years.
Genevieve has been introduced to lanky bachelor Gerald following a 1,000 mile (1,609km) journey from Eastern Europe to Noah's Ark Zoo Farm in Wraxall. Keepers at the zoo have been searching for a suitable girlfriend for the 15ft (4.6m) male since he arrived in 2006.
Head keeper Chris Wilkinson said that Genevieve is "well worth the wait" and Gerald is "a very lucky giraffe".
'Suitable friend'
The unlucky-in-love giraffe had struck up some unlikely relationships over the years including a "little and large" bond with Eddie the goat. Now seven-year-old Gerald will not have to bend down quite so far as Genevieve stands only a few feet shorter than him at 12ft (3.7m).
"I've been here since the start, remembering quite clearly our hopes in the early days of keeping giraffes," added Mr Wilkinson."We've been looking for a suitable female friend for him ever since that day, with lots of setbacks to contend with and some false starts."
Previous potential partners were ruled out because of Blue Tongue regulations and a foot-and-mouth outbreak in South Africa. Staff will now monitor the two giraffes closely and help them adjust to each other slowly as Genevieve gets used to her new surroundings.
bbc news
Bachelor giraffe in Bristol finally gets a girlfriend
Genevieve's previous owners needed to find a larger home for the young giraffe A lonely giraffe in Bristol has finally found love after a worldwide search for a girlfriend which lasted four years.
Genevieve has been introduced to lanky bachelor Gerald following a 1,000 mile (1,609km) journey from Eastern Europe to Noah's Ark Zoo Farm in Wraxall. Keepers at the zoo have been searching for a suitable girlfriend for the 15ft (4.6m) male since he arrived in 2006.
Head keeper Chris Wilkinson said that Genevieve is "well worth the wait" and Gerald is "a very lucky giraffe".
'Suitable friend'
The unlucky-in-love giraffe had struck up some unlikely relationships over the years including a "little and large" bond with Eddie the goat. Now seven-year-old Gerald will not have to bend down quite so far as Genevieve stands only a few feet shorter than him at 12ft (3.7m).
"I've been here since the start, remembering quite clearly our hopes in the early days of keeping giraffes," added Mr Wilkinson."We've been looking for a suitable female friend for him ever since that day, with lots of setbacks to contend with and some false starts."
Previous potential partners were ruled out because of Blue Tongue regulations and a foot-and-mouth outbreak in South Africa. Staff will now monitor the two giraffes closely and help them adjust to each other slowly as Genevieve gets used to her new surroundings.
bbc news
zaterdag 9 oktober 2010
donderdag 7 oktober 2010
aanrader; erg goed boek over spiritualiteit en vrouwen
“God Wears Lipstick!”
Kabbalah for Women
An Interview with Karen Berg
By Donna Strong
Kabbalah for Women
An Interview with Karen Berg
By Donna Strong
Karen Berg found her true calling at an early age —revealing a system of spiritual knowledge which was known as Kabbalah. In 1968, Karen and her husband, Rav, opened the doors on the study of Kabbalah to everyone after 4,000 years. Until then, Kabbalah was only available to scholarly Jewish men over forty. Since that time, these two spiritual pioneers have partnered to create a network of fifty Kabbalah Centres around the globe.
From her passionate and rebellious youth, Karen has brought enormous courage and commitment to her calling. Her first book, “God Wears Lipstick”, is a celebration of a primary importance of the feminine in spirituality. Now known as the First Lady of Kabbalah, she offers a harvest of her own wisdom in this work. The book lucidly presents tools to engage effectively and compassionately with the challenges in human life.
Awareness: Karen, congratulations! Your book brings a torch light of inspiration to explore the daily application of Kabbalah with elegant simplicity and clarity. How would you describe this system of sacred wisdom?
Karen: We believe that Kabbalah is a spiritual teaching, a philosophy, for all people. Basically, the word Kabbalah means ‘to receive.’ It is a teaching of how one receives God’s Light or the abundance of what is around us, in a way that is constantly generated through our acts of sharing.
One of the core tenets of Kabbalah is that Light, as energy, has to be shared in order for it to have momentum or exist in perpetuity. One of the basic laws of Kabbalah is that the Creator does want us to receive, does want us to benefit.
Kabbalah is the way we learn how to conquer difficulties in our universe and to avoid chaos in life, to be able to move and not become a victim. With Kabbalah, we learn to become the perpetrator of constructive action.
Awareness: One of the things I was fascinated by is the Kabbalistic focus on spiritual Light...
Karen: It is our feeling that every individual put into the world is hewn from a spark which we call the soul. Within the confines of the soul is the creative Light, a substance each one of us needs to generate in order to fulfill our potential! You and I are, from a Kabbalistic perspective, vessels for the Light. Every being has an amount of energy that can be filled to its maximum, by doing the things in life that create or generate energy.
Unfortunately, many of us don’t even recognize that it is there and don’t try to fill it at all. It is usually by the pains in our life that we grow, not when things are going great. In order to become what we can become, with everything that is worthwhile, there has to be an effort, which is a price, applying one-self through concentration and work. Energy has to be expended to increase awareness, and to increase the Light flow in one’s life.
Awareness: You make a reference to pleasure, and how pleasure is a reason for our existence. Tell us more about this.
Karen: One of the things we are so fortunate about is that science has been able to keep up with spirituality and can show us what we talk about on the spiritual level actually translates into the physical world. For instance, when you laugh, smile or are in a happy demeanor, your T-cells increase. When you are sorrowful and depressed, your T-cells decrease and your immune system goes down.
That is why it is so important for people who get cancer to have a support system, to have friendly people around who provide for them. Without that support system they become depressed, and depression causes a lack of T-cells. It is a fact.
It is the same in kinesiology — you know, muscle testing. When you think a positive thought, your muscles are stronger — literally stronger. When you think a negative thought, your muscles are weaker. This proves that what we do on an internal level relates directly to the body. We can actually strengthen ourselves doing what gives real pleasure — reading a good book or enjoying a good film by oneself.
But the greatest pleasures are those we share with others — in other words, when we see a bunch of kids who never knew what it was like to enjoy Christmas presents. To participate in something like this is to know a really satisfying pleasure. This is a great example of areas where you generate more energy by being part of the lives of other human beings. Relationships among people are so important. They bring us to a higher elevation.
Awareness: I see, it is our opportunity to share our Light and enjoy the pleasure of our God-given purpose through sharing. Tell us how Kabbalah moved from being so esoteric into a public sphere?
Karen: I am very fortunate, I created the role to open this door. In the early days my husband, Rav Berg, said to me, “This has never been taught to the mainstream...” And I said “So what?”
Awareness: Laughing in acknowledgment...
Karen: He said, “What do you mean, so what? Do your realize what is going to happen?” I am in my sixties today, but then I was a real rebelrouser and was always the kind of person that if there were a road needing to be taken, regardless of where it took me, if I thought it was right, I went. I said, “Okay, there are going to be people who are against us. Perhaps we are going to have problems.
Like any other type of teachings, people are met with resistance and controversy. We are not used to change and certainly not radical change.” So slowly and surely we went from one place to another, gathering people together, until we said, “We have an organization behind us!” That’s the truth of how it started.
“God Wears Lipstick” is a set of tools I have used in my counseling sessions with people. It is my understanding of what a woman can be. That is how I got to be to where I am, and I am very happy to be here.
Awareness: Why is this time in the world so special?
Karen: In the Hebrew language there is a prayer for the morning, the Hebrew word for it is shachret. This word usually means darkness. Why does one pray a morning prayer and call it darkness? The answer, of course, is that the deepest part of the night is before dawn.
The earth is so full of greed and garbage we have put into her without caring, and now she is pushing that back to us. She is just giving back what we put into her. It is nothing created by the Creator. That is why these things are happening today.
I also have to say, we now have so many people involved in things like alternative medicine and spirituality, all different perspectives that haven’t seen the Light before. Even if it is not fully accepted, it is looked favorably upon today. We are coming into the time of more awakening, and by the same token, we have more of the polarity of the darkness.
Unfortunately some people only come to more awareness through pain. Others come to it through an intuitiveness; they just feel there is something more to life than three squares and television at night.
We believe that we are in the sixth millennium going into the seventh. The seventh or last “sefi-rot” in Kabbalistic knowledge, is the world of “malchut” kingdom which is the world of the female.
Awareness: Oh really...
Karen: Yes, it is the world of the female. She is the nourisher, she gives birth to the child. It is the female’s role to take the energy, balance it into a vessel, and bring it back. The end result of this energy, the embryo, is male and female. But it is the female that gestates the spiritual life form. She is the main cause for the energy and the spirituality in her home. She is the nourisher, the vessel in which the energy is able to manifest.
Awareness: Your work to bring Kabbalah from a system of spiritual information, kept in secret to a public sphere, certainly engaged a lot of positive will and passion. You seem to be very well-suited to the role of taking action and being a wayshower for others in this regard. What would you say to women about using these qualities?
Karen: It is much easier when women have a passion for something, like writing or creativity in any way, for something in their lives they think they can do. If they can understand that no matter how earthbound they may be, having to work and care for their family, they should still apply themselves toward whatever innate ability they have to productively move forward.
We all need to find some activity to realize the abilities we have that are normally suppressed. All of us have innate abilities — to sing, or write or paint — or we may just be good with people.
Fine, find a little time to do something that provides fulfillment outside of your daily life, because through that, you become a different person. God has always been a perpetrator and a creator. So no matter where we are, we have the ability to be like God, to make something new with our lives as women.
Awareness: As you were speaking, I was thinking about how whatever is in someone’s heart that sparks their passion, is God-given. Why we argue with that is really puzzling.
Karen: Right! Most often we do, saying things like, ‘I would love to do that, but I don’t have time...’ Yet at the end of a day, we may say, ‘What did I do with the time?’ If you want to change who you are, you have to do something about it. Give yourself the opportunity now to use your innate ability and learn how to use it because tomorrow is not always going to be there.
Awareness: Tell us about the role of the feminine in regard to spirituality.
Karen: The female is the nourisher of the world. While anyone can light candles, we have a tradition of the female lighting candles to bring Light into the home. It is usually the female that lights the candles to draw down the spiritual energy of Light. She is the one responsible for allowing that house to be filled with Light, therefore, it is the key role in our spirituality for the female to be the vessel to generate that energy. She is responsible if it is there, or if it is lacking.
Awareness: In some respects, even in our modern culture, we are still playing out the idea that the female is a passive element, and if the female is too passive, the spiritual Light can be diminished.
Karen: I think people confuse passiveness with kindness and gentleness. Being of a nurturing nature is different from passivity and being open to abuse. It is right for everyone to want to be respected. Would God allow the Light to be treated in this fashion? If we truly see ourselves as vessels of the Light we cannot accept any treatment that is not respectful.
Everybody knows what is good and kind and sharing, and what is negative and uncaring. When we act against the Light, it withdraws. The negativity causes a veil between us and the Light. In a relationship, if someone doesn’t allow us to be who we are and talks down to us, then we are suppressing the life force — the God Light within us. So the individual has to say, ‘I love you dearly, but if you act in this manner, then there is no rapport between us. This relationship can’t stay this way’.
Awareness: In your book you indicate that sexual relations is a way of bringing Light into the world by creating and circulating energy. I really resonated with this — we literally ground spiritual Light through circulating energy and sharing in a kind and loving, gentle way. So much of modern life doesn’t remember this sacredness.
Karen: This is so true in our intimate relations. It is also true in life. Indeed, I read about a farm in which they tried an experiment — just a simple experiment. They took natural soil, planted vegetables and fruits, played music and treated the plants very well. They showed them appreciation by saying things like, ‘How great these vegetables are growing’ while watering them. They were wonderfully surprised, because the crop grew much better!
The truth is everything has an energy. If you direct your energy to the earth, into something that is growing, it will grow far better than if you leave it alone. Everything in life has that ability because there is life force. We can heal the earth; first, by stopping the negativity we are creating, and secondly, by doing more natural farming and honoring the laws of life.
Awareness: You have said that women are subject to two forces at the same time and that these lend a complexity to their lives — to be both vessels/receivers and sharers of the Light. Please talk about this to help women better understand their role.
Karen: Yes, women have a dual energy, which is twice as much to handle. If women sometimes feel more complicated than men, this is the reason — we have more going on. It is our nature to struggle with how much we can do because it is in our nature as females to give as well as to receive. And it is this dilemma that is actually the female’s advantage: the female is born with tremendous spiritual power, whereas a man has to earn his.
Awareness: What is the role of “God Wears Lipstick” in supporting women to use this tremendous spiritual power appropriately in the world?
Karen: Women have an inborn understanding of sharing, the way mothers naturally want to share with and care for their children, and maintain a home. And women have a great potential to see beyond the limits of their senses, to be in tune with what is happening. As long as a woman uses this power to share the Light and not get stuck in receiving for herself alone, she is doing what she should in the world.
“God Wears Lipstick” gives her the tools she needs for learning how to use her gifts and relationships in the best way possible for removing chaos, and coming in-to a state of unity within herself, between herself and others, and between herself and the Creator.
Awareness: You have been a visionary and pioneer, blazing trails from which we are now benefitting by having access to the universal wisdom of Kabbalah. Are there any words you want to leave us with?
Karen: It is a hard job for small souls like us to change the world. But if we open a Light in a dark room, we illuminate the entire room. Therefore our job is to change the world, one Light at a time...
For information on upcoming events, see www.Kabbalah.com Also see book review on page 51.
Donna Strong finds writing a wonderful way to be filled with light. She can be reached at www.donnastrong.com
mooie boevin
Photos Of Kristina Svechinskaya: The New Anna Chapman?
Svechinskaya is allegedly part of a hacking gangs that used a Zeus Trojan virus to access bank accounts and nick money. But what you want to know is how fit she is and if a pretty face can help you get away with it..?
meer foto's
woensdag 6 oktober 2010
dinsdag 5 oktober 2010
Supersap: granaatappel en lekker!
ma 04 okt 2010, 14:29
De onderzoekers van de universiteit van Edinburgh geloven dat dit fruit vooral het hardnekkige buikvet – de zwembandjes – vermindert dat zich bij mensen rond de veertig begint te vormen. Granaatappel verlaagt de hoeveelheid vetzuren in het bloed.
24 Vrijwilligers dronken gedurende een maand een halve liter granaatappelsap per dag. Na een maand had bijna de helft van de proefpersonen een lager vetzuurgehalte, waardoor vet minder gemakkelijk opgeslagen wordt in de buikwand. Daarnaast was bij meer dan 90 procent van de personen de bloeddruk verlaagd, wat het risico op een hartaanval, beroerte en nierziekten vermindert.
AMSTERDAM - Het helpt kanker voorkomen, is goed voor je hart en kan zelfs je seksleven op doen leven. Dat granaatappelsap goed voor je is, was al langer bekend. Maar nu is gebleken dat de vrucht veertigplussers ook helpt in de strijd tegen vet.
24 Vrijwilligers dronken gedurende een maand een halve liter granaatappelsap per dag. Na een maand had bijna de helft van de proefpersonen een lager vetzuurgehalte, waardoor vet minder gemakkelijk opgeslagen wordt in de buikwand. Daarnaast was bij meer dan 90 procent van de personen de bloeddruk verlaagd, wat het risico op een hartaanval, beroerte en nierziekten vermindert.
maandag 4 oktober 2010
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